I haven't done Follow Friday or Blog Hop Tour for a little while, so I decided to participate this weekend. If YOU want to join us, check Follow Friday at
Parajunkee.com and the Book Blogger Hop at
Crazy-for-Books.com .
They both use Mr. Linky to create a list of blogs for us to visit. Usually there are questions to answer to help us get to know each other better.
Follow Friday's question is: Who are your favorite authors?
I have always liked Jude Deveraux because I read her books when I got back into reading when my kids were young; I like Lynn Kurland because she writes time travel and she is funny; I also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Virginia Woolf and Cassandra Clare.
Book Blogger Hop's question is: "What are your feelings on losing followers? Have you ever stopped following a blog?"
Hmmm...I just lost a follower yesterday. I have no idea why--why should I? It made me a little anxious, but I agree with Jennifer at Crazy-for-books.com when she says "I am what I am". I blog to share my thoughts with others on books. I don't blog for followers although I get very excited when someone comments and I like seeing the number of people who follow me grow. If I thought that I HAD to write something every day so that someone would comment on it, I would go crazy. I like to find interesting things to share, but it doesn't always happen. I have only been blogging for a little over 1 1/2 years and doing this has opened up the world for me. I love visiting other blogs and realizing that they are writing from England or Australia! I think you have to do this because you love it. And, if people don't love you back, well...that's life, isn't it? Of course, there are bloggers in it for financial gain or to promote their work and that's awesome, too. But, as for me, I just love books and I love all of you for loving them and sharing them, too.