I read 42 books including starting to read the Bible in October.
Challenges completed:
Chronicles of Narnia Challenge (loved this one)
Fun in the Sun Challenge (this is the first challenge I signed up for)
Four-Month Challenge (didn't do as well as I could have - I'll do better with the next one)
Royal's Romance Reading Challenge (love romance novels)
Well-Rounded Challenge (this was easy to finish)
Book Thief Challenge (this was a fun one)
Christmas Reading Challenge (a good excuse to read Christmas books)
I participated in the following challenges, but didn't complete them. I did pretty well, though, considering I started in June:
Fall '09 Challenge - 6/15 books for 40% (the worst I did on challenges)
A to Z Challenge - Books - 21/26 books for 81% (not bad for 6 months)
A to Z Challenge - Authors - 20/26 books for 77%
Four-Month Challenge Part II - 40/250 points so far (doesn't end until Feb. 2010)
I'm planning on reading Harry Potter as soon as my daughter will let me get hold of her books - she has the whole collection in hardcover now. Pretty soon.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow so I can start reading for 2010 challenges!
Happy New Year and Happy Reading!