Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Goodreads Nothing But Reading Challenges Group

So, I found this group on Goodreads...Nothing But Reading Challenges...oh my...
I can list all my challenges in one place and track them - not that I don't do that already on an Excel worksheet, but I don't know, it looks cooler to do it on Goodreads. Anyway, I found some of the challenges that I have been doing on my own there, so naturally I signed up for them. Then I found some other challenges that are new to me...uh oh...yep, I signed up for them, too.
Here's a list of all the challenges I plan to work on this year:
Christmas Reading Challenge - that will be over January 6th.
*new* Push Your Boundaries Challenge
*new* Back to the Classics Challenge
*new* Book to Broadway Challenge
(I already do the next two, they just have different names on Goodreads.)
Titles: Read the Alphabet Challenge  
Author Alphabet Reading Challenge
Operation Read the Bible
(This one I already do as well.) New 2 ME Author Challenge
YA Reading Challenge
Romance Reading Challenge
Pages Read Challenge - 15,000 pages this year
Historical Fiction Reading Challenge
Mount TBR Reading Challenge
Monthly Mixup Mania (continuation)
Time Travel Reading Challenge
Read Your Name Challenge (using my last name this year)
50 Classics in 5 Years (continuation)
*new* All About You Challenge (this is a different challenge each month, but you can do them anytime and it's open ended)
Seems like a lot, doesn't it? Only 4 new ones. Hmmm. No more...I'll have lots of reading to do. Should be fun! Oh, and I challenged myself to read 50 books this year - that shouldn't be a problem.  

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