Thursday, November 26, 2015

Christmas Reading

I've started my Christmas Reading Challenge. This week so far I have read two books: 


The Merry Little Christmas Project which helps you figure out how to simplify Christmas for your family and make it meaningful. I gave this book 5 stars. It was well-written and I may even try some of its suggestions!

The other book that I just finished today is: 


When I finished this book, I quickly looked up others in this series. It was a great story of a businessman who faced a life-threatening illness which made him take a new look at his life and a widow with a child who has a serious health issue who had just lost the job that would have been her future. It's predictable, yes. There is a big loving family, a great Christmas celebration, snow and sleigh rides and everything. A perfect Christmas novel. I loved it. 5 stars for this one!

Let's see, what shall I read next? Oh!!! It's Thanksgiving! I can start watching Christmas movies! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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