Even though the Narnia Reading Challenge at Reading to Know is over, I'm completing the Chr
onicles of Narnia collection. I finished "The Silver Chair" today. I didn't like it as much as "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader," but I did like it. I especially liked the last part of the book after they released the Prince from his enchantment. Oops! I guess that's a spoiler if you haven't read the book. I didn't like when they had to crawl around in Underland...I don't think I was supposed to like it, it was creepy. Anyway, I'm so happy to have finished another of the Narnia books! I don't know why I never read them when I was young - and yes, they were published then - I'm not that old. I see they are filming Dawn Treader and it looks exciting. Just seeing the pictures makes me feel that I'm in those other worlds. Can't wait for the movie! I've put "The Last Battle" on my TBR list. I have to read a couple of other books first, but I'll get to it soon.

Have a great day!
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